i-esthetic ® ADVANCED

come out smelling of roses...






i-esthetic ® ADVANCED is the perfect synthesis of computer CADCAM design, technical artistry, Certification and Ivoclar's e.max material. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY to get  i-esthetic ® ADVANCED.

This is how it's made

1. You prepare and take impressions in the usual  way for a dentine bonded crown (see our blog for hints and tips on impression taking and preps).

 2. We then scan this model in to our computer using the latest Sirona inEoss 3D imaging system.

The Sirona Scanner

3. Once the model is digitised we design the teeth on the computer screen using Sirona's inLab CADCAM software

Being designed on the PC screen

4. Our highly accurate milling machine (+-25µ) cuts the restoration from a solid block of incredibly strong but ultra aesthetic e.max HT ceramic.

The raw blocks ready for milling

The Milling in progress

Raw blocks after Milling

5. After milling the blocks are adjusted and sintered in a furnace. At this stage the blocks turn from their characteristic blue colour in to the tooth shade selected .


6. The restoration is then layered with enamel where required and glazed in the usual way.

7. The restoration is then quality checked using an SBO checking protocol, a Certificate of Authenticity is  drawn up and the restoration becomes an i-esthetic ® ADVANCED

8. You fit the crown and the patient kisses and hugs you with joy over their new tooth!

9. You can't wait to do more because that was so easy

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